Leffingwell Landing at Moonstone Beach
CA 93428
Beaches nearby
- Moonstone Beach (0.7 mi)
- San Simeon City Beach (2.6 mi)
- William Randolph Hearst Memorial Beach (5.6 mi)
- Piedras Blancas Light Station Natural Area (10.8 mi)
- Cayucos State Beach (15.4 mi)
- Morro Rock Beach (20.2 mi)
- Morro Bay State Park (22.5 mi)
- Sandspit Beach – Montana de Oro State Park (23.3 mi)
Nearest town/city
CA 93428
Type of beach
State Park
Dog ban in force
No dogs allowed on the beach, leashed dogs ok on boardwalk
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Current weather (Sun Mar 9th 07:00)

(Clear sky)
8.5°C / 47°F
Sea temperature
Leffingwell Landing at Moonstone Beach surf forecasts
Leffingwell Landing at Moonstone BeachFull weather & tide times info »
5 Day Leffingwell Landing at Moonstone Beach UV Index

A UV Index reading of 3 or more means some precautions should be taken. For more information visit our guide to the UV Index.
Temperature Averages
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Leffingwell Landing at Moonstone Beach tide times
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